What Makes Us Different!

we are here to listen to your needs, and help you achieve your goals; instead of pushing technology that you don’t need. Our team will help you navigate through tough technical decisions and do our best to make sure you dodge the curve balls.

Advanced Financial Engineering

We are able to take your ideas and engineer a solution that will not only excel your financial model but keep it modular that when you need your existing investment is protected. Our goal is to provide you framework that is able to take updates and keep up with your evolving needs.

(Business Process Modernization & Business Process Re-engineering)

In today’s highly competitive financial world, never ending customer wish list and client retention requires that you have a modern stream lined business process from client onboarding to back-office operations. Which means Business Process Modernization & Business Process Re-engineering are now just part of your business requirements to stay competitive. We can help you reduce your work load, increase your employee performance and client satisfaction. There is no such thing as one solution fits all, hence our framework of financial tools is able to adapt to your unique business needs.

Custom Modules & Tools

Your unique business has unique needs and often you are dealing with limitations that come with off the shelf technology and adapting your business to conform to those limitations Why! We change all that for you and make technology adapts to your needs no the other way around.

From streamlined customer onboarding process, exceptionally advanced customized back office tools, CRM, payment gateways, sub millisecond trade executions, multi leg order distribution to various venues, light or dark pools, A/B/Hybrid Books orders management, risk management, best value routing, third party system integrations to complete overhaul; we have it all covered.

ETS Design and Optimization

Electronic Trading Platform Technology upgrades and often need clean sheet design to meet today’s financial business challenges are a reality. Our team bridges the technology operations gap that most boutique financial firms are facing today.

You have multitude of vendors either promising the world during sales process and delivering a complex uncomplete system with an outdated manual and bunch or irrelevant articles. In short, a scenario that can give nightmares to even seasoned technology professionals let alone an IT manager who is running the entire technical operations. This is where step in help you identify your needs and select the right platform. Our services of complete system designs, deployment, optimizations & re-engineering are here so that you do not fall victim to an over engineered complex solution that makes you completely depended on single vendor selling you just add-ons and charging you recurring fees

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