An Advanced Financial Engineering Firm

Providing Innovative Fintech Solutions!

Elixir Flare is a team of seasoned financial technology expert, quantitative analysts
exceptional financial engineers, experienced high-level coders and simply put a
tenacious group of problem solvers who always deliver.

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Taking on Financial AI
World by the Ticks

We specialize in real-time big data analytics,ML,
AI and LLM 's for the financial industry.

Today 70%+ of all trading is already done by large financial institutions using HPC (High Performance Computing) or AI, remaining smaller financial organizations and professionals
alike are struggling to keep up with technological advancements. Our creative technology solutions narrow down this gap and provide you Actionable Fintelligence!

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Algo Trading System Designs and Engineering

We are witnessing an era of change where financial markets are adapting to operate in the world of HPC and AI trading.

Machine Learning and Advanced GPU performance have changed how financial markets operate. Now trading is AI vs AI and operations are performed in nanoseconds. Human response is just not able to keep up with market movements today.

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What Makes Us Different!

Our people, we are here to listen to your needs, and help you achieve your goals; instead of pushing technology that you don’t need. Our team will help you navigate through tough technical decisions and do our best to make sure you dodge the curve balls.

Advanced Financial Engineering

We are able to take your ideas and engineer a solution that will not only excel your financial model but keep it modular that when you need your existing investment is protected..

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In today’s highly competitive financial world, never ending customer wish list and client retention requires that you have a modern stream lined business process from client onboarding to back-office operations.

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Custom Modules
& Tools

Your unique business has unique needs and often you are dealing with limitations that come with off the shelf technology and adapting your business to conform to those limitations

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ETS Design and Optimization

Electronic Trading Platform Technology upgrades and often need clean sheet design to meet today’s financial business challenges are a reality.

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Designed for Financial Professionals by Financial Professionals

We have many solutions ready for financial business needs, just waiting to be customized for you.

Key Solutions

All of our solutions are customizable to your unique needs & adapt to your business process, not the other way around.

We possess in depth knowledge of internal workings, limitations, short comings and benefits of many trading platforms. In particular we specialize in MT4/MT5, architecture design, deployment, system’s re-engineering, optimizations, automation, advanced diagnostics, trouble shooting, disaster recovery, real-time backup system planning & migrations. Custom native plugin level advanced tools, and business planning. When the vendor sends you articles to read or completely non related solutions in a trouble ticket; We step in solve the issue, diagnose the underlaying problem and more than often identify a bug that needs to be reported to the vendors. Our custom API Extensions to MT5 standard API extends the functionality of MT5 server beyond what the vendor delivers.

Advanced CMS/OMS

Elevate your client experience and stream line your brokerage business with our cutting-edge CRM and back-office tools. Each tool is developed as a module that seamlessly integrates into trading platform (like MT5) enhancing functionality. Like Single Sign-On process with 40+ payment gateways.

Advanced MT5 Native Gateways & Plug-In’s

Our Direct MT5 Plug-in Level Liquidity, Data Feed and Routing are game changers. Removing bridge provider dependencies, increasing performance of your system. Putting you in full control of your platform and revenue…

Liquidity Aggregation & Risk Management   

Our smart liquidity aggregation, price consolidation, trade executions……….

Enhanced MetaTrader Platform Services

We provide complete operational support to MetaTrader 5 operators. From daily operations to in depth configuration changes and other challenges faced by brokerages

Our Technology team is comprised for highly skilled technology professionals with decades of critical operations support experience………….

Advanced Algo’s & Trading Bots

MQL5 is a Language based on C++, our custom libraries converted MQL5 in MQL5+ Allows EA’s to use Multiple threads and much more. Filling the gap left behind & making Realtime GPU utilization a reality.

Smart Hedging & Copy Trading

New Trend of Social or Copy trading has just start to become reliable. Our Advanced Multiple Planform, cross asset trade copying is one of the latest enhancements we have introduced. Read more

Delivering Exceptional Results
of great value for your brokrage

Our partnership approach providing all solutions needed under one roof; with dedicated client success manager helps integrate all aspects of your business and technology needs. We extract the maximum profits possible for our clients and have advance knowledge and expertise to guide you from inception to the time your business objectives are reached. We are the modern day financial engineering power house that will help you achieve success.

Trading Firms and Brokerages
Are serving their thousands of customers based on our products and engineering services.

Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.

― Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Airman’s Odyssey

At Elixir Flare we have taken away ambiguity, data disparity, platform integrity and added more executions transparency for both the brokers and traders creating a stronger bridge of confidence and trust, by following our core operating principles of no one shall misuse our technology for malicious activities.

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A Results Driven Financial Engineering Firm

Since 2011; our team has delivered numerous unique solutions for Global Trading Exchange Venues, Clearing Houses,  Liquidity Providers, Futures Clearing Merchants, Market Makers, Brokerages, Hedge Funds, Boutique Trading Houses, Technology Driven Professional Traders and various traditional financial institutions looking for the latest and greatest tools at their disposal to gain that edge needed to be successful in their craft and not worried about if they have the latest technology or one of the best collection of financial technology resources backing there efforts to achieve their goals. Our technology expertise, that go beyond the realm of financial engineering. We have delivered solutions in advanced secure communications, extremely complex infrastructure serving hundred of thousands user live in most demanding mission critical environments such as various government civil and military establishments as well as multi-billion-dollar corporations in tourism and travel industry.

Taking on Financial AI World by the Ticks

Today 70%+ of all trading is already done by large financial institutions using HPC (High Performance Computing) or AI, remaining smaller financial organizations and professionals alike are struggling to keep up with technological advancements. Our creative technology solutions narrow down this gap and provide you Actionable Fintelligence! Our solutions cater to needs of small and medium size financial institutions, boutique trading firms, hedge funds, professional and individual traders to keep up with larger financial institutions. Not all AI/ML based analytics & trading solutions are built the same. Simply doing some back testing and optimization do not work in real world. Every trader has his own trading plan, goals and definition of success. We are here to help you achieve that goal. 

Trading System Designs and Engineering

At Elixir Flare we bring your ideas to life, make your trading and financial models a reality and your theories a practical reality. In today’s world data analysis is the king not just the price and volume. Market movement in a just one minute is comprised of millions of ticks. The quicker a LLM (large language model) can turn quantitative data into actionable intelligence, the quicker you become closer to being profitable.

Plain old trading skills, obsolete technical indicators, theories and outdated scripted automation or off the shelf Expert Advisors single threaded (MT5-EA’s), Trading Bots are just not able to keep up with today’s fast-moving markets. It’s just not practical anymore to write a small program in some version of C++ or Python with limited understanding of actual market data or to just trade single instrument at a time using some YouTuber’s signal. You need ingenuity, exceptional coding skills, an out of the box approach, access to modern technology and then know how to use it properly. You need sharp mastery of a professional chess player who can turn strategies to fast executing, multi-threaded intelligent binary code; that is written with close attention to lowest latency, data handling and advanced hardware resource management in mind. You need to have some serious understanding of modern day digital financial products trading, techniques and aptitude to keep up with every evolving rapid real time market volatility. 

Advanced CMS/OMS

Our Fully Hosted Client & Operational Management system for MT5 allows Brokers to stream line all backend operations such as KYC, Client Onboarding, Funds Management, deposits & withdrawal requests, client communications, real time reporting, BI and various back office functions via our complete integration with MT5 Server.

Functionality of our OMS is only limited by your imagination, our complete understanding of MetaTrader API allows us to achieve any functionality operator desires within reason and customize any back-end operational, reporting, Automation and customized controls over your MT5 and other select server via API

Advanced MT5 Native Gateways & Plug-In’s

Our Direct MT5 Plug-in Level Liquidity, Data Feed and Routing are game changers. Removing bridge provider dependencies, increasing performance of your system. Putting you in full control of your platform and revenue. Read more..

Liquidity Aggregation & Risk Management

Our smart liquidity aggregation, price consolidation, trade executions, and risk management plugins into MT4/MT5 transforms otherwise a limited platform into robust enterprise level solution.

Enhanced MetaTrader Platform Services

We provide complete operational support for MetaTrader 5 operators. From daily operations to new deployments; automation to in depth configuration changes and other challenges faced by the brokerages we have you covered. 

Our Technology team is comprised of highly skilled technology professionals with decades of critical operations support experience. Our in-depth knowledge of MetaTrader 5 platform and un parallel operational experience of MetaTrader platform greatly enhances your uptime, service delivery while reducing in-house MT4/MT5 administrators expense and dependencies on vendor support and less than reliable open support forums.